Map your way outa here


5 min. read

The humble map is the foundation of innovation

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Maps. We use them all the time, without giving them a second thought. We use them to get where we need to be, to check the weather, to plan a new kitchen, to locate a stolen cargo bike (fitted with GPS) and so on.

A map shows relations between important variables, often positions of things within a certain geographical area. In design, mapping is also used to capture relations between events in time, or between different actors in a proces.

While customer journey mapping has by now become one of the most prominent approaches to understand and improve customer services and relations, we feel that the humble map itself remains a bit undervalued.

We'd like to make amend to that!

Hail to the map

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The future of maps is very bright! In digital innovation and transformation, people with different worldviews, (occupational) ideologies, and blindspots (!), need to align. They must find a shared baseline or frame to discuss issues, solution concepts, etc. while looking at the world through different lenses. That's tough!

The humble map is the only way out. They are easy to make, intuitive, and allow complex realities to be captured with very modest means. There isn't a credible alternative for that!

So, at WeAreReasonablePeople we stand up for the humble map. Let's map and align for a better tomorrow!