Anders MF
Strategy and IT architecture go great together
UX is more and more a systemic challenge
Digital is for the people, not the other way around
Anders Medical Factoring was a challenger in the medical factoring market, offering factoring services to dentists and other dental care providers. Factoring is a type of business that relies very heavily on automation. And factoring companies use highly specialised IT sometimes referred to as the 'factoring engine'. But what if that engine has a 7-figure mileage on it, and there's nothing more in stock than graceful retirement? Is it possible to rebuild the entire factoring engine without affecting the primary business too much? And can we supercharge this engine, without supercharged budgets? That's the challenge that we started out with.
We took an end-to-end approach, going from company strategy to software code. We dissected the whole factoring process. A complicating aspect is that dentists' bills in the Netherlands are partly paid by insurance, while the remainder is paid by patients. We re-designed two major front-ends, for the dentists and the Anders MF employees, through intensive prototyping and testing with users. We designed a new back-end architecture to facilitate a unique market approach in the factoring market, creating significant differentiators to challenge Anders's behemoth competitor. A clear example of how the back-end architecture can shape market strategy.
Our solution combined all the ingredients to ruffle some feathers in this market. Facilitating more customer centred business models and bringing UX to an unconventional high level. Unfortunately, when we were testing our prototypes with users, Anders MF was promptly acquired by its' behemoth competitor. Sometimes you win or lose without a fight. In this case we take it as a win.